Showing posts with label tcpdump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tcpdump. Show all posts


TCPDump / WinDump

WinDump.exe -i 5 -nnn -c 100 -s 4096 -XXX dst port 80

WinDump.exe -i 5 -nnn -c 100 -s 4096 -XXX ( dst port 80 or ( port 53 ) )

WinDump.exe -i 5 -nnn -c 100 -s 4096 -XXX port 53

WinDump.exe -i 5 -w office_%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%_%time%.dmp -c 100 -s 4096 -XXX dst port 80

WinDump.exe -i 5 -w office_%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.dmp -c 1000000 -s 4096 ( dst port 80 or ( port 53 ) )