Showing posts with label livecd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label livecd. Show all posts


GRUB2 multiboot ISO 2018

GRUB2 multiboot ISO (2014)

Linux ISO default

Arch Linux  2019.01.01

Cent OS  7 1810

clonezilla 2.5.6-22

Debian 9.6.0

FreeBSD 12.0

Fedora 29-1.2

Gentoo 20160704

Kali 2018.4

Knoppix V8.2-2018-05-10

kubuntu 18.10

Linuxmint 19.1

LMDE 3-201808

lubuntu 18.10

NST 28-10439

Pentoo 2018.0_RC8

openSUSE 15.0

slitaz 2019.01.06

Ubuntu 18.10

UbuntuStudio 18.10

Win10 (partition NOT ISO)


GRUB2 multiboot ISO

GRUB2 multiboot ISO 2018 update


get USB UUID & Label:
> blkid


/boot/grub/grub.env (1024byte)


/boo/grub/grub_hd.cfg (Harddisk)

/boo/grub/grub_fd.cfg (Floppy)

/boo/grub/grub_pe.cfg (Windows PE)


/boo/grub/grub_tci.cfg (Tiny Core Linux)

/boo/grub/grub_sl.cfg (Slax)

/boo/grub/grub_u.cfg (Ubuntu)

/boo/grub/grub_d.cfg (Debian)

/boo/grub/grub_cd.cfg (CDLinux)

/boo/grub/grub_cr.cfg (ChromeOS)

/boo/grub/grub_s.cfg (openSUSE)

/boo/grub/grub_ce.cfg (CentOS)
* rdshell
method 1:
set rootopt="root=live:LABEL=CentOS-${ver}-${bit}-${live}"

boot into rdshell

1a: boot from RAM
# mkdir 1 2
# mount /dev/<usb partition> 1
# cp 1/boot/iso/<Centos ISO> 2
# umount 1
  (remove USB)
# exit

1b: boot from USB
# mkdir 1 2
# mount /dev/<usb partition> 1
# mount -o loop 1/boot/iso/<Centos ISO> 2
# exit

method 2:
set rootopt="root=live:${ISO_Path}/${iso}"

boot into rdshell

2a: boot from RAM
# mkdir -p boot/iso 1
# mount /dev/<usb partition> 1
# cp 1/boot/iso/<Centos ISO> boot/iso
# /init

2b: boot from USB
# mkdir -p boot 1
# mount /dev/<usb partition> 1
# ln -s /1/boot/iso /boot
# /init